Thursday, October 13, 2016

Jonah's Whale

Jonah's Whale

Author/Illustrator: Eileen Spinelli/Giuliano Ferri
Genre: Traditional Literature
Awards: NA
Age Level: 4-8 years old

Summary: Jonah's Whale is the beloved bible story of the God made whale who was living peacefully and happily in the deep blue sea. One stormy and windy day, God gave the whale instruction to keep Jonah safe and protected when his ship wrecks.  Then after three days, the whale would throw Jonah up on dry land unharmed so he could continue on his journey. Illustrations in Jonah's Whale were full of bold and bright colors. The pages were rich with color and shaded with expertise. Characters were animated and helped with the telling of this beloved bible story.

In my classroom, I would use this as a segway into our marine science lesson. Students would do research on any marine animal of choice. They would create a brochure with facts they researched about their marine animal of choice.

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