Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Relatives Came

The Relatives Came

Author/Illustrator: Cynthia Rylant/Stephen Gammell
Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Awards: Caldecott Honor Award
Ages: 5-8 years old

Summary: In an old station waggon, relatives drove all day and all night to get to their families house. When they arrived, they came with a bust...knocking down the fence and knocking out all of their luggage! The relatives spent a long time hugging as if they hadn't seen their family in a very long time. The children began playing together and the adults were overjoyed by the presence of on another. Laughter, smiling faces, and hugs filled the doorways. The Relatives Came continues with a big supper for the whole family. Once everyone is content, they find their beds (Even if this means sleeping on the floors). The relatives stayed for many weeks, they even helped the family tend to their garden. The whole family appreciates their differences and works together repairing things around the house as well as playing their own music. Once the relatives leave, the house seems to be very big and very quiet. The family misses their relatives and can't wait to see each other next time. The reader sees what it's like to be a part of such a large family and understand that we need to love and appreciate them no matter what. Illustrations in this book are pastel colours and seem to be drawn in with coloured pencils. Each of the character's facial features are unique and well defined.

I would read this to my classroom before a big holiday break such as Christmas. I think that it is important for the students to see and understand all types of family dynamics even if this specific one doesn't pertain to them. A discussion would be followed with the students to explore their thoughts on what their holiday break might look like.

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