Thursday, September 29, 2016

Families Are Different

Families Are Different

Author/Illustrator: Nina Pellegrini
Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Awards: NA
Age Level: 5-7 years old

Summary: Nico is a young girl with a sister named Angel who narrates the story. The two sisters are adopted from Korea and share the same heritage. For a while, it would bother Nico that her she didn't look like her parents. Nico even feels angry and sad because she was different. After Nico attended her class, she realized that all of her classmates are different. One family has a single mom, some families are large, some are medium-sized, and some parents are divorced. Not all family situations are listed, but the author gives many examples. Throughout Families Are Different, Nico realizes that it's okay to be different and that her family loves her no matter what. Illustrations throughout the book are full of highlight and contrast. The colors are shaded in as if there is a sun shining above the characters all the time. The diverse perspectives leaves the reader with a warm and humble heart.

I would love to use this in my classroom to support diversity amongst the students. Families Are Different would be a great read-aloud to us in the beginning of the year.

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