Monday, September 26, 2016

Underground: Finding the Light to Freedom

Underground: Finding the Light to Freedom

Author/Illustrator: Shane W. Evans
Genre: Historical Fiction
Awards: Coretta Scott King Award 2012
Age Level: 6-8 years old

Summary: In the story, Underground, the author puts simplistic text to such a hard and devastating time in salves lives. This powerful children's story depicts the fear in their lives as they quietly hid from their "owners" while trying to escape "underground," or out of sight. The readers sees nuclear families holding tight together as well as others all joining in to help each other break to sunlight and to freedom. Underground gives the honest truth of slaves being captured and how tired they are of running and hiding. Illustrations were dark and covered the entire page with only a shadow of light shining until the end where they find freedom. I thought the final page was beautiful showing the family standing together as one, facing the light blue and yellow sunlight, as free as can be.

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