Monday, September 26, 2016

Flutter and Hum: Animal Poems

Flutter and Hum: Animal Poems

Author/Illustrator: Aleteo and Zumbido/Julie Paschkis
Genre: Poetry
Awards: Cybils Awards Winner (2015)
Age Level: 6-9 years old

Summary:  Flutter and Hum is a whimsical book full of animal poetry and playfulness. The book displays the poem in English and Spanish, side by side. Bringing out the beauty of nature, the reader learns poems of slithering snakes, crows, cats, parrots, fish and much more. I loved the colorful and bright illustrations. One of my personal favorites is the dog poem and illustrations. There is a perfect depiction of a happy dog wiggling, squirming, and wagging his tail full of happiness into the world. Flutter and Hum displayed thoughtful poems that give life to the animals and memorable illustrations for the reader.

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