Monday, September 26, 2016

The Color Monster: A Pop-Up Book of Feelings

The Color Monster: A Pop-Up Book of Feelings

Author/Illustrator: Anna Llenas
Genre: Modern Fantasy (Pop-Up Book)
Awards: NA
Age Level: 4-7 years old

Summary: In the story The Color Monster, there is a young girl who is faced with real life emotions. She has a friend called, the color monster, to show how she is feeling. Turning the page fresh and unique. The bright colors make this a very inviting and pleasant read. The reader learns that sometimes you might feel like the color yellow, full of laughter and happiness. Sometimes you might even feel like the color blue, or sadness. This book is great for sorting out feelings and emotions even when it gets hard to tell the difference. After all of the beautiful pop-ups, there are little monster illustrations with jars of their feelings. The book ends with one feeling left and no specific answer to what emotion the monster is feeling. This is a perfect time for students to experience prediction. My best guess would be love.

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