Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Old Woman and Her Pig

The Old Woman and Her Pig

Genre: Traditional Literature
Author: Wallace C. Wadsworth
Awards: Parents Choice Foundation Award 2007
Age Group: 5-6 years old

Summary: In this book, the old woman begins her her day by sweeping her floors. Suddenly she spots a "sixpence" (a British form of currency equally to about 6 pennies). The old women quickly decides to spend her sixpence at the market to buy a new piggy. She is elated and proud of her little piggy until they are stumped with a stile in the middle of the road that the pig can't hop over. The old woman goes through a series of tasks to getting her piggy home such as asking the dog to bite the pig, the stick to beat the dog, the ox to drink water, etc. All for the purpose of creating a series of reactions to get her new piggy to jump over the stile and come home. The book builds to a quick climax and uses repetition as its main literary device.

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